My Life............sharing is caring!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

This is Me!

Lately ni, kusut betul hidup aku. Rasa sangat tak terurus. Banyak kije yang tertangguh, tak kira la yang kat umah atau kat opis. Teruk sangat ke time management aku nih? Actually dalam kepala aku ni macam2 bende yang aku nak buat. Planning is very important. Aku divide planning aku pada banyak part. Maklumla org belajo management kan. Pastu ajar kat student lagi tuh so kene la apply kan. Huhuhuh...
Keje kat umah ni nasib baik la hubby banyak tolong. Harapkan aku sorang mau pancit. Especially bila anak dah sekolah ni kan. Badan ni dah tak macam dulu, betul macam makcik aku cakap. Bila dah kawin and dah ada anak, umur pulak makin matang(sensitip wooo..ayat kene letak sedap sket.:D), banyak perubahan akan berlaku pada diri secara keseluruhan so memang kene pandai2 la. And now, aku percaya cakap dia, and for those yang blm alami tu, beware k. Ini pengalaman sebenar tau.Hehehe. ( Bagi dorang ngeri sket..heheheh)
Yang kat opis punye tak abis2 gak, dgn semester pendek ni, mmg pack giler dengan kelas. Handle budak final projek yang blh buat kepala pecah. Perghh, sabo ngan tak sabo je la. Nasib baik aku ada plan awal2 untuk abihkan semua syllabus subjek aku, then bolehla relax sket ngan bagi budak assignment, project yang replace midterm and focus lebih kat budak final project. Assignment bebudak ni pun aku tak setel2 kan lagi......huaaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!
Sib baik ada anak2 yang leh jadi stress reducer aku.....Mentang2 aku bagi tepon lama kat dorang utk guna, asik la nak call. Huhuhu....semalam ajek 4 kali miss call masa aku masuk kelas. Saja malas nak bwk handphone ke kelas. Abih kelas trus dorang call especially si anak dara tu la pastu marah nape aku tak pick up call dia. Heehee, sabo jek laa. Kekadang anak2 ni wat pemanis tapi bila datang time hangin tu mmg la jadik pemasam. Hai...macam2 gelagat korang yang buat ibu geram tau.
Whatever pun, 3 of u is my precious gift ever from Allah s.w.t. Ibu sayang kamu!

The Book Of Excuses...(sounds funny huh!)

One of the funny things (at least it's funny to me) is hearing the excuses people give to justify why they are not rich. What's even funnier is that the people call them "reasons"; I call them excuses.I've heard the works and now would like to share them with you.Enjoy!
. It's too much work.
. It's too difficult.
. I'm not greedy.
. If I'm rich, people would come to rob me.
. If I'm rich, people would come to borrow money from me.
. If I'm rich, people would kidnap my children.
. If I become rich, people would hate me.
. I have to learn about stocks, properties, investments, tax, estate planning, running businesses and all. It's too much hassle.
. I'm too young.
. I'm too old.
. I'm not smart enough.
. I'm not intelligent enough.
. I didn't go the right school.
. I don't have the right contacts.
. I don't have enough knowledge.
. I don't have enough capital.
. I'm not lucky enough.
. What if I make it and then lose it all? Then it'll all be a waste of time.
. I'll be paying even more tax. And God knows I'm paying a lot of tax as it is already.
. I'll never know if people like me for what I am or because of my money.
. It might take me away from doing the things that I like to do.
. What will my colleagues/friends/family say?
. Who me? Rich? No, I don't think so.
. I've never even thought about it.
. People may criticize me behind my back.
. People may laugh at me.
. I'm happy where I am.
. What if I failed? Then I'll really look stupid.
. It's too risky.. It's too dangerous.
. My religion forbids the accumulation of wealth.
. I'd rather be doing more important things (such as watching TV).
. In my world, the pursuit of academic excellence is more important than the pursuit of wealth.
. It's so unrefined - all this talk about wealth and money.
. How much more money do you want?
. I wouldn't know what to do with all that money.
. I'd prefer to do charity work instead of mindlessly chasing after money.
. Too much wealth is not good. Moderation is the way to everything.
. My husband will start thinking about having a second wife.
.What's the point? My wife and/or children will just spend it all.
. What's the point? It'll only last three generations.
. What's the point? I do the work; other people get to enjoy the money.
. My children will just be fighting one another for the inheritance when I die.
. I don't want the responsibility.
. I don't want to cheat or take advantage of people.
. Money is the root of all evil.
. Money is not important.
. God don't like rich people.
. There are more important things in life than money, you know.
. Happiness is more important than money. If I become rich, I cannot be happy.
. Health is more important than money. If I become rich, I may lose my health.
. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If I become rich, something else will have to give. And I don't want to give anything up.
. What's the point? When you die, you'll die alone like everyone else.
. If I'm rich, it means less for other people.
. It's difficult to become rich in this country.
. I'm waiting for the right time.
. The opportunity has not presented itself yet.
. My horoscope says not to start any new business this year.
. My Feng Shui master said it's not the right time.
. It's all up to God. I leave everything to God.
. I want to enjoy life first. You're only young once.
. I have too much responsibility to think about anything else at this point in time.
. I'm already drowning in work as it is. You want me to do more work?
. That's my husband's job.
So there you go, folks, a partial (!) list of excuses people give on why they are not rich. My favourite? Read on.. That's the problem with the world today. Everyone is too gung-ho about money. All they think about is money, money and more money.

p/s taken from e-zine written by my favourite author, Mr Azizi Ali.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Perginya kawan2 penyeri hidup aku kat opis....

Ari ni, aku ilang 3 kawan kat opis sebab masing2 meneruskan perjuangan menjadi pendidik anak bangsa tercinta(cewaaaaahhhhh...hidup bibik, ana and zalina..huhuhuhu!!!!!) Bukan apa dorang ni antara insan bertuah dapat chance keje gomen untuk DPLI. Bukan senang nak dapat peluang keje gomen ni tau tu sebab aku kata dorang insan bertuah. Rasanya korang pun tau nape kan so tak yah la aku citer panjang bebel lagi.
Sedih tak terkata bukan sebab aku tak dapat tapi sebab kawan2 yang pergi ni sume penyeri idup aku kat opis. Ada kawan yang berkongsi suka duka, kawan penghibur hati, kawan lawak b***h. Hehehe. Apa pun, siapa aku nak halang. Memang dah tertulis rezeki dorang. Macam aku yang tak dapat ni takpela. Hidup harus diteruskan juga, aku tau ada sebab dan hikmah yang lebih baik untuk aku sebenarnya berada di sini lagi. Tu semua kuasa Allah, aku yakin ngan rezeki dan ketentuan Allah.
Aku dah puas menangis untuk kawan2 aku, terima kasih korang sebab kongsi macam2 ngan aku. Akan ku kenang semuanya and all the best in ur future life.